The Diary

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New York, June 12th 1886.

June 12th 1886. Sat.

With George drive to Bowery Bay Beach, where good progress is made, at 5 P.M. at cor. 59th str. & 4th Ave. where laying of cornerstone of Arion takes place amid simple yet impressive ceremonies, am home in eveg writing. wife up from 10 A.M. til 6 P.M. daily

June 13th Sund.

Still comfortable weather. The strikes all over the Country seem to have been nearly all lost to the men. In afternoon drive with George, Willie & Theo. to Bowery Bay Beach Home at 6 P.M. Home in evg writing

June 14th Mond.

Raining all day Cable con gratulations to Papa Ranft on his 61st birthday, yesterday found that I passed a little blood, and wonder if I could have gravel in my bladder. R.R. receipts last week $150712/100. King Ludwig of Bavaria, declared insane and dethroned a few days ago, this day drowned himself in a lake at Schloss Berg. Home in evg. Wife confined to bed again bleeding. Agreed with Steinert on Rebate of 5% in case they buy 250. pianos


June 15th Tuesd.

Very busy all at L.K. in eve'g, preside Seminar Com. then Society Session, little touch on tip left elbow try cure of 5 glasses imported Würzburg

June 16. Wed.

With H. Ziegler at Hebrew technical institute 129 + 131 Crosby street, 68 Jewish boys, Remarkable productions and good discipline, make two speeches to the boys. In afternoon at Bowery Bay. Rheumatism all gone home in evg writing

June 17th Thursd.

At Bank 3 P.M. Wife gradually growing better. Very busy with Bowery Bay affairs

June 18. friday.

Very busy, Run over with George to Bowery Bay getting ready to open tomorrow, home ev'g