The Diary

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New York, June 19th sat. 1886.

June 19th Sat.

Very busy, at 12½ P.M. by car to Ravenswood, attend auction sale of lots, buy lots 414 + 415 at $235 each, and lots 416 + 417 at $225 each. They adjoin the four lots of the E. R. Gas L. Co. Then with Kittle drive to Astoria Ferry and to Bowery Bay, Our Cars extension runs to new Bridge across creek on Riker Avenue, quite a number of people come to the opening of the Bowery Bay Beach. Gas is also lighted up, Mr W. H. Williams his wife + Son, Wm Brodie + wife, Campbell + wife, H. A. Cassebeer & wife take supper with us. Williams & I at Meeting at Wm. C. Wilsons Office of Flushing Ave. Com. The books being in Safe (which is delivered and sold to the Bowery Bay bg + Impt Comp for $65 net ) no special business is transacted. Home at 10½ PM

June 20. Sund.

Beautiful day at Store in forenoon. Learn that unhappy Sommers Saw Mill at Blankenburg am Harz was burned down June 4th & that Holzlager of Theo + mine has been saved. At 3 P.M. (after taking dinner home with wife in the dining room) with R Ranft jr. in Carriage through Central Park via Astoria Ferry. Immense crowds of respectable People at Bowery Bay Beach, and my R.R. is unable to carry half the people. At 5 P.M.all the beer is gone, and people overflow Steinway village and drink all the beer there. Fritz Steins, Krämer Unger, Rauch, Oscar Steins +c. We sit up in the Parlor and sing and drink there. Drive through L. Isl. City via Hunters Point Home at 9.15. PM. George & his Cavalcade of riders come at 5½ PM making a good show


June 21. Mond.

Lovely day, Our R.R.receipts for last week were $1602.70/100, and yesterday over $700. Am excessively busy all day. Home in evg working at printed matter on large Bowery Bay builg Map.