The Diary

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New York + Astoria, Aug 13th 1886

Aug 13th friday,

almost hounded to death, Campbell traced to Trenton, where he left $496 in Windsor Hotel, immense numbers of Newspaper men & applications for Campbells position recd Write letter to Camp Moynahan by Cassebeer telling him that he can no longer manage Bowery Bay Beach. Weather is cooler

Aug 14th sat.

Campbell met by Cassebeer and matters settled by Campbell having to quit the Village. I consituted H. A. Cassebeer with $1500. salary and $1000 in stock for the first year. Dine at Beach Splendid Concert & numerous attendance

Aug 15th Sunday.

Wife, Paula, Willie, Theodor and nurse Marie are at Adirondack, Schroon lake, since Aug 5th. Immense crowd at B.B.B. being by far the largest day I work with my stenographer all afternoon at letters. Met Com. of our Men at Beach.


Aug 16th Monday.

Quite a money crisis has set in, and rates are shockingly high Am excessively busy all day. To my horror Wm. H. Williams comes in and tells me that Francis J. Oakes must make an assignment tomorrow. Dine at Beach + home at 10 PM after having an interview with Moynahan who comes to our table in presence of Cassebeer, George Norton, Williams and George A Steinway. Moynahan is again under the influence of liquor