The Diary

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New York and Astoria, Aug. 31st 1886

Aug 31. ___

and brings in $45.84/100. All R.R. bills are being rapidly paid off. At noon George F. Kreischer + I open account as Executors of B. Kreischer at Bank of the Metropolis. In ev'g at L.K. preside at Seminary Committee, Klamroth + Schmitz very indignant, preside at L.K. Meeting, afterwards drink in presence of G. Stein, Fietz + Niethardt the Milwaukee beer sent by Schandein Home at 1 AM after eating Oysters at Stills with Dr. Müller

Septbr. 1st Wed.

Fine day, have an earnest talk with A. Jos. Kapp as to their enormous indebtedness to me which is constantly increasing, demand a full statement of their affairs, which he promises for monday next. supper at B. B. Beach. Geo. A. St. holds investigation of fire Comp. agt our officers

Sept 2d Thursd.

Very busy all day til 7½ P.M. supper at L.K. preside at Vorstands and Trustee Meeting, feel effects of heavy cold, and heavy in left foot

Sept. 3d friday.

Take supper at H. A. Cassebeer, Helene having come home in Tuesday, quite well + strong Work afterwards, retire early as I have a headache and feel cold badly, cool night

Sept. 4th sat.

Lovely day, feel much refreshed, had some slight neuralgic pains on right ear and side of face which soon pass off. Eat supper at Beach

Sept 5. Sunday.

With Burden + Williams all over Sanford's Point, which is splendid take dinner at Beach, work in afternoon, Hel. Cassebeer calls, view Garden +c. talk with Saml Riker who is willing to sell their plot of ground to us. Felix Kraemer + Hal Cassebeer to N.Y. I take my supper, work there again
