The Diary

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New York + Astoria, Septbr. 6th 1886.

Sept 6th Mond.

Excessively busy, Meeting of all directors of B. B. B. + Impt Comp. at Ehrets office, decide to take Sanfords point, increase our capital to $250.000. At German Savings Bk. in eve'g

Sept 7th Tuesd

At 11 A.M. at Office of Turner, Lee + McClure 20 Nassau street, with Mr. Turner & Theron Burden to Farmers Loan + Trust Co. see Mr. Leupp and then conclude a contract for B.B.B + Impt Co. for $45.000. To my joy 40 Acres of land under water are included With Dr. Senner to L.K. lunch there, Meeting of Seminary Committee, which is harmonious, Resolved the Programme of L.K. for the season, Home in open car of 3d Ave. R.R.

Sept 8th Wed.

Business begins to set in very nicely, but money is still very tight. Call on D. D. Withers, 35 Wm. Str. in relation to Property at Hunters Point, then see Gen'l Wingate, in relation to franchise to Bowery Bay, learn from the papers that Patrick Moynahan got into a bad scrape with his City position as inspector of weights. +c. My family arrive at 7 P.M. all well, Willie and Kickabue charming.

Weight of my family as follows: wife #183.
                                             Paula # 127.
                                             George # 142½.
                                             Willie # 46½.
                                             Theod. # 32¼
In carriage to Astoria Ferry, then by open car home


Sept 9th Thursday.

Moist and warm, loan copy of Candidus Contract to Chas. E. Locke. Very busy all day, Senator Covert calls upon me on Moynahan case, leaves copy of complaint and order but does not serve the same. In eve'g consult with Williams and H. A. Cassebeer jr. on Moynahan & other cases. Very sultry
