The Diary

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New York + Astoria, Sept 19th 1886


Rd Ranft jr. & Toussaints family stay with us all sunday, my finger slightly better, drive with ladies to Bowery Bay & Sandford's Point  It rains copiously during the night

Sept. 20. Monday.

Hold RR Meeting, resolve extension. Louisa A. St. with her two daughters and sister at Astoria and stop over with us

Sept. 21st Tuesday.

finger gets steadily better. The tightness of money continues. Josephine Mathewson (Schnetter) called gave her $15. and Mrs. Savage called both yesterday. At L.K. in eve'g, preside Com. of Seminary and society

Sept. 22d Wed.

busy all day. Little Theodor sick, Dr. Taylor attends him. At Astoria in evg

" 23d Thursd.

Miß Lottie Pinner sings for me, has a nice voice and good school. At Office dictating letters in evg

" 24. friday.

Power of Attorney to Trechmann for british Custom house at Grimsby. At Astoria, write letters

" 25. sat.

At Wingates warerooms late in afternoon then to Ehret at Bowery Bay consult with Bollong + Lucius on death of Alex Schmidt and administrator, at Astoria in evg

" 26. Sunday.

Quite a crowd of people at Bowery Bay yet I work all day, My finger nearly well, consult Dr. Taylor, and use Vasoline which does it much good Geilfuss and Ottendorfer arrived in steamer Saale saturday last

" 27. Monday.

Excessively busy, loan St. + H. Pt. RR. again $2000. Work again at Astoria in evg have interview with Williams Ankner and Cassebeer on Sandford Point and Bowery Bay matters, with Williams on Perry Belmont who called on me