The Diary

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New York, Oct 8th 1886.

Octbr. 8th frid.

Working all day in Benzing matter with Dr. Müller home in ev'g, saw Wingate, Rastus Ransom, Cotterill

Oct 9. sat.

At 1½ P.M. to Steinway, have our Bowery Bay Bldg + Impt Co stockholders meeting at Astoria: Sandford's Point, resolve to increase capital to $250.000. Bd. of Trustee Meeting afterwards. Supper at Cassebeers, at R.R. stable afterwards, home with George at 10 P.M. via Hunters Point

Oct 10th Sunday.

Beautiful autumn day, at store in forenoon, see Jos. O’Donnell, Wm. Gericke, Musin +c Afterdinner with Coupè to Cotterill then to factory, where in the yard we go through the entire Benzing affair, and Cotterill is satisfied that we have a good case Home in ev'g with George. Tried a beautiful grand style C 71/3 Oct. in the factory


Oct. 11th Monday.

Again lovely autumn day, Busy all day with Benzing case, examine Carpenter Zucker from Astoria who in 1876 made this ventilator. Cotterill called in forenoon and at 5½ P.M. Am home in store working in eve'g.

" 12th Tuesd.

In court, speak to Benzing + Kurtzmann, at L.K. in ev'g, Adams presides + I rest, social gathering to greet Adams, I make a few jovial remarks

" 13th Wed.

Am Merchant appraiser in Guetal felt case It looks bad for him however, meet R. Ranft there also Dolge, work with George + Kleber at store in ev 'g in the Bowery Bay matter, then George & I stop for a short time at Schmengers new place on Third Avenue, cable to Candidus "American Opera and your salary begins November fifteenth, your arrival October thirtieth satisfactory, Season may be somewhat shorter than seven months contract unchanged"