The Diary

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New York, October 14th 1886.

Octbr 14th Sunday.

Cooler weather. Made contract with Abbey + Schoeffel regarding Patti Concerts last night, for the ensuing season. Am at Com. Of 100. am disgusted at their action, vote in favor of Abraham S. Hewitts nomination, am afterwards at L.K. Vorstand

Oct 15th friday.

To my disgust papers have it that I advocated nomination of Theodore Roosevelt, our Benzing case postponed til Monday yesterday discovered that Lehanka is a very good witness for us in Benzing case. Miß Cornelia Van Zanten calls, the new Contralto of the American Opera Company. At 6 P.M. call upon Mrs. Woerishoffer and Mr. Ottendorfer the latter advises me to contradict the report promptly, which I do that ev'g by calling at the Staatszeitung & meet City Editor Güterbock


Oct. 16. sat.

With Ehret, Wm. H. Williams, Geo. & Cassebeer at Sandfords Point & Bowery Bay. Have Lafferty with me, after wards McDowell of Greenwood Lake there. We conclude to build Seawall only to Palmers, and from there on high ground continue the road. Take supper at Cassebeers, see A. Menzl, by car via 34th str. home at 10½ PM

Oct. 17th sunday.

At store early working, Cotterill calls, fortifying our Benzing case, work again in afternoon there. It is cold and the air feels like snow. Both Mayor Candidates Abram S. Hewitt and Theodore Roosevelt have issued sensible letters and accepted their resp. nominations With RRanft at Toussaints in eve'g play Skat win 22 Cents


Oct 18. Monday.

Our trial is at last reached. Jury empaneled who do not look very promising