The Diary

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New York, Novbr. 11th 1886.

Novbr 11th Thursday

Raining Very busy all day + evening home working, at Bank Metrop. in afternoon.

Novbr 12. friday.

Learn that resolution was duly passed by Common Council of L. Island City, setting return eveg for Decbr 1st 1886 In ev'g with Fred Steins, Oscar R. Steins and A. Jos. Kapp at Binocle Club at Strohm's, 266 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, fearful Rainstorm all night. Am in fair voice, make several speeches, home at 2 AM

Novbr 13. sat.

Raining all day, home in evg working take warm bath which much refreshes me. wife & Paula with Hardts at Phil. Concert, Metr. Opera house

Novbr 14. Sunday.

Beautiful day Bought heavy overcoat at Brokaws yesterday, work forenoon & afternoon at store. Call on H. Ziegler at factory at 4½ P.M. Try the new 71/3 Oct. styles C. and Metal sheathed Wrestplank E's. Candidus preparing to go early tomorrow morning with American Opera in Philadelphia. Home in ev'g working


Novbr 15. Monday.

Was served with the Edward Haughey and Eliza Hauphey complaint agt my R.R. for $5.000 each and served with notice from Seligman that I must pay my guarantee of $5000. for American Opera Home in ev'g, nice family party 33d birthday of my wife, enjoy ourselves well

Novbr. 16th Tuesd.

At Surrogates Office give bond with Chas. H. St. each for $4000. for Constantin Lucius as Administrator of Carl W. F. Alexander Schmidt. To L. Isl. City, lunch with Cassebeers, look over bus. with Menzl, R.R. bus. our garden hunt up witnesses in Lehr case, in which I succeed admirably, finding that the Haughys' were at fault. At L.K. in eveg, Gobel of German Opera there