The Diary

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New York, January 1st 1887.

Jan 1st Sat.

Work til 1 P.M. at store. Visit Adam Weber H. A. Cassebeer jr. Louisa A. St. with Fritz Steins to Ottendorfer in Ev’g, who is not feeling well, we then go to Belvidere house stay til 10+ P.M. Amann and Fritz Steins to supper with us, have quite an extended conversation with wife on coming home


Jan'y 2d Sunday.

Work all day, forenoon & afternoon at store, to supper at Louisa A. St. with wife to Toussaints at 8+ P.M. Spend quite a pleasant eveg

Jany 3d Monday.

Almost hounded to death by the immense stream of people consequent on settlements of accounts M. Steinert + Sons move to Cincinnati. At German Savings Bank in eve’g, at Namenlosen afterwards walk home from Heims at midnight, met Wesendonck Dr. Bernacki, Brett + Hardt there. In afternoon paid to Jos W. Seligman $5000. of my guaranty to Chas. E Locke, Manager of the American Opera Company

distribution of B. Kreischer estate

January 4th Tuesd.

Again excessively busy all day preparing for Benzing trial in N. Y. Court house and Lehr case in Queens Co. Court house. At L.K. in ev’g til midnight

Jan'y 5th Wed.

Successors of Constantin Schmidt pay first instalment of their indebtedness to ourselves and Julia Schmidt. Money comes in very nicely. Fearful weather work at Store in eve’g. Old Garret Kouwenhoven died today


Jany 6th Thursday.

Excessively busy, with Cotterill to Court of Common Pleas, Kurzman approaches me and after some parleying they accept my terms of $3500 in full settlement of Benzing Case, I rush over to L. Isl. City where case of Lehr against St. + H. Pt. R.R. Co. Judge Brown lets case go to Jury, Covert pleads splendidly