The Diary

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New York, Monday, January 17/1887

Jan 17. Mond.

Fog + slush all day. Home in evg working

" 18. Tuesd.

At L.K. in evg, Seminary, Music Com

" 19. Wed.

Gave my bond for the St + H. Pt. R.R. Company in case of J. J. Lehr agt the Comp. on appeal for $368.30 With wife + George + Paula at Fidelio, Niemann & Lili Lehmann fine performance + very crowded. Chas. E. Locke called


" 20. Thursd.

Busy all day, work home in Evg, Marianne Brand with us for supper. Marie Maurer called

" 21. Friday.

Feel remote strain in right knee, walk to and from store however. Work home in ev’g

" 22d sat.

Touch worse, take Laville, paint knee with Iodine, drive to store and send for lunch, Home in ev’g, work

" 23d Sund.

Very warm weather, Lilli Lehmann and Niece to Lunch with us. I can walk without a stick. All afternoon and eve’g, Messrs Käsebier, Ankner, Gillesheimer, George Ehret & Cassebeer George and I, on affairs of Bowery Bay Buildg + Impt Comp decide to build Dock and decide to build cheap Pavillion only, and to favor Käsebier as Manager of Bowery Bay Beach proper

" 24th Mond.

Am perfectly well again, and walk to and from Store Home in ev’g working

" 25th Tuesd.

See Fred. G. Dow about Poppenhusen foreclosure saw Genl Wingate, Cotterill, Gustav Schwab at L.K. in evg, Sem. Com. Meeting, Agitator Schuricht present, Music Com. Meeting, Anton Schott present home at 1 AM Paula at Party at Schmidts Brooklyn

" 26th Wed.

Very busy all day, and in Evg at Concert in Steinway Hall, Frauen Verein, very nice affair but Miß Cecil sings beastly, though she has a large fine voice, Concert quite well attended