The Diary

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New York, January 27th 1887.

Jan 27th Thursd.

fine day, Mr. Ottendorfer calls on me, in evg with wife at Wm. Hardts 8 East 36th str. to supper, very pleasant, Dr. Scharlau stands on my outstretched right foot

Jany 28th Friday.

Paid off note at Merchts Natl Bank Home in eve’g working

Jan 29th sat.

rain storm. At noon to Steinway + Bowery Bay via Hunters Point. Mr. Von Taules there, looking at Property with George. I take supper dinner with Cassebeer, Wm. H. Williams returned from Ky. We all meet at Sandfords Point discussing Pier to be built. Home at 7 P.M. with George, we attend Seidls 2d Symphony Concert at St. Hall which is fine

Jan'y 30th Sund.

Moist weather. At store 10+ A.M. then to L.K. Hall Rehearsal, show wife, Mrs. Toussaint, Louisa A. St. and Riekchen Kreischer all over the place. Work in afternoon Take supper at L.K. with wife & Paula, Concert quite nice stay til midnight, then home with wife, George + Paula

Jany 31st Monday.

Adolph Steigertahl wants to borrow money, I find that he is totally bankcrupt, am hounded to death by people in trouble who try to borrow money, work all day, and again at store in eve’g til 11 P.M. Wife Geo. + Paula to Theatre

Febr. 1st Tuesd.

Very busy, Miß Ida Kleber calls. Consummated purchase of 8 lots of land in Ravenswood of Jas. M. Freeman Special guardian of his 5 minor children at $2500. the sum of $1500. being retained by me til May 1st to cover arrears of Taxes. At L.K. in ev’g. Music. Com. Session, resolve not to repeat Achilleus this season. With Aug Loos and Wittmack til 1 AM in altdeutsche Weinstube