The Diary

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New York, Febr. 2d 1887.

Febr. 2d Wed.

Snowstorm and cold. Excessively busy all day. At Store in eve’g, being interviewed by Mr. Malally of the N.Y. Herald as to state of the pianotrade

Febr. 3d Thursd.

Take lunch at Hollenders, with Gravenhorst examine books and vouchers of Treas. Gust. H. Schwab of German Society find all O.K. In evg at Board of Trustee and Vorstands Meeting

Febr 4th frid.

Very busy. At Ottendorfers from 6½ to 11 P.M. Merry Stag party. With Fr + Oscar Steins & Dr. Löser at Belvidere House til 1 A.M. Meet Schott and his wife there

Febr 5th sat.

Slight Katzenjammer. Yesterday Ida Klein called had a long talk with me, desires to sing in Concerts +c. At 2½ P.M. with Cassebeer, Geo. A. St. at Ehrets, hold Meeting Bowery Bay Blg + Impt Comp. Resolve to build dock forthwith. Am home in ev’g, working take warm bath which much refreshes me

Febr. 6th sund.

Dark gloomy day, At store in forenoon, then to L.K. last session of Mask Com. On coming home find Emil Fischer there to visit us. Am again to work at store all the afternoon, home in evg

Febr. 7th Monday.

Busy all day, at German Savings Bk in ev’g afterwards at Namenlosen, drive home with Dommerich

Febr 8th Tuesd.

Down town afternoon, at U. S. Trust Comp. At L.K. evg.

" 9th Wed.

Very busy with L.K. Ball matters, am troubled with Idiot Wm. Roll, buy him a steerage ticket for Hamburg. At Zieglers, Addie birthday

" 10. Thursday.

L.K. Ball matters keep me hopping all day. In ev’g ball takes place at Metropolitan Opera house, fine success, though less crowded than last year. It passes off pleasantly. I get home with my family about 3 AM

" 11. frid.

In evg play Skat at Ottendorfers with Senner + Löser, win 56 Cents, very nice