The Diary

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New York, April 26th 1887.

April 26. Tuesday.

Busy all day with Uhland festival preparation at 12 o’clock hold Riker Ave & Sandford Point R.R. Meeting of Stockholders and elect the whole board of directors like previous year. In evg at Arion where a fine rehearsal with Liederkranz of the three songs for Uhlandfeier takes place Am home at 11 P.M. sleep soundly

April 27th Wed.

Excessively busy all day. In Ev’g Uhland feier at Steinway Hall, Arion, Liederkranz, Dr. Senner, Udo Brachvogel Anton Schott, Franz Remmertz. I make introductory speech whole turns out to be a magnificent success, we are at Arion for a couple of hours afterwards

April 28th Thursd.

With Henry A. Cassebeer, jr. all day at Steinway, Astoria and Bowery Bay Beach, home in ev’g working til 11.30 P.M

April 29th friday.

Annual Stockholders meeting of St + H. Pt R.R. from 12-2 P.M. Whole board of directors reelected Governor Hill, Wm. L. Muller & Mr. Perry Architect call and look at Mahogany Grands. In ev’g at Ottendorfers, play Skat, lose 90 Cents. At 11.30 P.M. to my office, work til 1½ A.M. on letter +c to Europe

April 30th sat.

Very windy and cold. At 12 to Bowery Bay, eat beefsteak at Udes Meet Cassebeer and Mr. Ehret and transact a great deal of business. Wm. H. Williams told me yesterday that McGowan, district Attorney for Queens Co. was short in his accounts $20.000 and would have to run away if not helped. Paula, Hettie + Ellie with George at B.B.B. We drive over the place to Sandfords Point, then return via Ehret & Flushing Avenues 92d str. Ferry home. Spend eve’g with Louisa A. St. + Riekchen Kreischer taking notes of the latters intended will, Power of Attorney, letters of credit and other matters, as they intend to sail in steamer Aller next Wednesday