The Diary

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New York, May 8th 1887

May 8th Sunday.

Mrs. Clarke calls about Gray Agency. early at my house. Lankow & Krüger call about Roll Mortgage. At 11 A.M. to Arion Hall, Abrechnung as to Uhlandfeier, take dinner home work all the afternoon in office, and ev’g at home.

May 9th Monday.

fine weather, very busy. Work at office til 11 P.M. George Paula + Lili Toussaint to Standard Theatre. talk over Gray matter with George Lyon of Chicago.

May 10th Tuesd.

Lovely weather, work like a beaver all day. Brainard Steinert, Cluett also in town, have all minutes of St + S. Riker Ave + Sandf P. R.R and St. + H. Pt. R.R. entered + signed. At L.K. in evg Meeting Seminar, Music Com. and on Excise matters.

May 11th Wed.

with Mr. Gill to Public W. dept see proposed Blackwells Island Bridge plans along 64th str. which are very good. I then lunch with Mr. Gill who wants to build a tunnel under the East River, at Hollenders, then run to Astoria Ferry, see Bradbury about rate of ferriage for St. + H. Pt. R.R. Play Skat with Ottendorfer + Dr. Senner win 10 Cents, speak to Ott. regarding David J. Dean for Corporation Counsel


May 12th Thursd.

Governor signed Cantor Concert hall bill yesterday. I write him a letter of congratulation. The weather is lovely At L.K. in ev’g special bd of Trust. Mtg. Excise Matter. Play Skat with Kämmerer, Adams & Hoffmann, lose 60 Cents. home at 1 A.M. Rumpus at my house, girls searching for a burglar.

May 13th Friday.

General term in Brooklyn uphold Lehr jdgt agt St + H. Point R.R. Judge Pratt opinion. In evg play Skat at Ottendorfers win $1.19 Cents having much luck

May 14th sat.

Very busy til 12, then to lunch at Ottendorfers with Dr. Senner, Mr. Löser, at 1 P.M. we drive in Ottendorfers Carriage via 92d str. to Steinway & Bowery Bay Beach, all over, stop at Steinhagens I am in evg at Cassebeer, see Menzl, talk over various things