The Diary

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New York, May 15th 1887

May 15th Sunday.

Was much refreshed by warm bath last night. To store at 8 A.M. dictate letters to stenographer til 1 P.M. Then to Ottendorfers, have a very pleasant dinner with him, Dr. Senner & Löser, by 3 P.M. back to office and work rest of the day After supper again return to the store and work til 11 PM

May 16th Monday.

Excessively busy all day. Am again at store in evg working, and getting everything into shape. Cassebeer says an immense crowd of people were at Bowery Bay & we took in upward of $700 on my R.R. yesterday, the Ball Grounds greatly aiding in the good receipts. Kaesebier and Moran both did a splendid business. Working at store in evg

May 17th Tuesd.

Beautiful day, am literally hunted down with a vast concourse of people pestering me. Alfred Gumbinner calls, meets me at R.R. in evg

May 18th Wed.

Saw Blackwell yesterday who is bound to give us trouble in the Douglas matter of closing title. At 12 o’clock I run to Hunters Point, see Cassebeer, Delehanty, Gleason, McIntire, with Geo. Norton to Bowery Bay, give various orders, arrange Palmer house, “Bay View” with him At 7 P.M. to Ottendorfers, Skat party, lose $1.80

May 19th Thursd.

Lovely weather, to Bk. of Metropolis at 4 P.M. to Wash. Square, pricing houses for Mtge. Copland in town. At store in ev’g working til 11 PM

May 20th frid.

Quite warm, busy all day. In ev’g at Ottendorfers play Skat win 86 Cents

May 21st sat.

busy all day. In ev’g at L.K. Social Ev’g. Musin Dixie, Rank +c. ladies & gentlemen present, also Lessing Quartett, fine success home by 2 A.M. Madeleine my Daughters maid gets present from Paula with my consent

May 22d sund.

Work til 1 P.M. At store, then to Astoria drive over Sandfords Point + Bowery Bay Beach. Many people are present, and “Storchnest” is crowded with visitors. Dine at Toussaints, home at 10+ PM with Geo + Paula