The Diary

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Washington, June 13th 1887.


which the Pres. approves of. Stop at Welckers Hotel

June 14th Tuesd.

Visit Droops store, his son drives me around Washington, he is sick with swollen feet, at 11 A.M. to Baltimore, see Sutro, tell him how to improve his store lunch at Merchants Club with him, drive around Baltimore which has much improved, at 4.58. P.M. depart for N.Y. reach my house at 10 P.M. find an immense mail.

June 15th Wed.

See Ottendorfer who approves my course, I call at Fire dept, miss Croker, then proceed to Ottendorfers Country home, play Skat with our Party, are quite jolly win $1.37. stop with Loeser until near 1 A.M. at Görwiz

June 16th Thursd.

Very busy all day. At last can go home to Astoria Mansion, Lillie Toussaint gone home, her grandmother having died at Hanau aged 85 years. Carrie Kapp with us there.

June 17th

Felix Kraemer telegraphs that Mrs. Gray + Lowler signed preliminary bills of sale. I remain in town and in ev’g set up Incorporation papers, and shares of stock of the new Matthias Gray Company. Home at 10+ P.M. take a cold bath which greatly refreshes me.

June 18th sat.

The Seven incorporators of the Matthias Gray Comp all sign before Burkard. Anton Seidl writes under June 4th a splendid letter on the Niemann Grand Ehret called yesterday, enquired about F. R. Minrath At Mansion, play Skat with Ranft & Cassebeer, win $1.45. was also at Bowery Bay Beach towards eve’g

June 19th Sunday.

Beautiful day, large crowds, work all day til 5 P.M. Herman Loeser dines with us. While at Steinhagens a terrific thunder shower and rainfall comes, meet Colby with wife and daughter and they dine with me. Home in evg