The Diary

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New York, June 20th 1887.

June 20th Monday.

Am in afternoon at Auction and buy a piece of land with a small house on, with a large front on Flushing Avenue. At Mansion in ev’g, working


June 21st Tuesd.

Very busy, at L.K. in ev’g. Seminar Com Meeting, no resolution. Remain in City house


June 22d Wed.

Richard Croker calls, brings name of Leonard Giegerich as Intl Rev. Candidate. To Ottendorfer at 4 P.M. he approves name, we play Skat, I win 17 Cents


June 23d Thursd.

Rainstorms all week and today again. At Bk of Metr. Gross deposits reach 6 Millions of dollars. See Menzl and G. A. Schmidt in evg at Mansion. Work hard til 11 PM

June 24th Friday.

Matthias Gray Company duly filed at Secr. of States Office at Albany yesterday and at Queens County today. Write to Pres. Cleveland on acct of Saml Sinclair and Governor David B. Hill on acct of John Fleming Suit of Larssen agt St + H. Pt. R.R. Co. served upon my son George at noon today. In ev’g at German Press Club at Terrace Garden in Ottendorfers box. Home at 1 AM

June 25th sat.

Lovely weather. Young Dora Becker calls on me and tells me she is going to Europe to study, asking my advice. In afternoon to Astoria Liederkranz summer nights festival with Helene Cassebeer, fine festival, heavily crowded. I drive home in a carriage + stop at my City house.

June 26th Sunday.

At Astoria 9 A.M. At factory with Menzl and Sprenger, arrange removing shaving shoot, make a roofed over passage for coal bin, and study up new Veneer Shed matter. Work til 5 P.M. Had temendous shower. A large crowd of people at Bowery Bay, and again trouble with the boats

June 27th Monday.

Theodor telegraphs from Braunschweig “Fred proposed Eshelby Manager, take Ziegler second, family passed Brunswick good health. RRanft jr + I took
