The Diary

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New York + Astoria, June 27th 1887.


boat Bay Ridge at foot of 23d str. at 5 going agt a strong tide and sailed to Grand Pier arriving at 6 P.M. Took a swim bath together at our dock, had talk with H. A. Cassebeer jr. at Mansion

June 28th Tuesday.

N. Stetson, H. A. Cassebeer and I had meeting of the Matthias Gray Company at Millers Hotel. Then to N. Y. City, excessively busy all day. Sold $10.000. Flushing Ave. Cert. at Par and accrued Interest to East River Bank today. Holwede writes they have drawn 20.000 Marks and asks St + S. to credit me with my first Hamburg dividend 22.957.21 Reichsmark. Am at L.K. in evg. Have remote feeling of touch in my left foot. Sleep at Gram Pk. House

June 29th Wed.

Lovely day, write letters early in the morning, Matthias Gray Co. N. Stetson, Treas. opens Bank account with $1500 Cash at Bk Metropolis. Meeting with Emil Gabler George A. Steinway is subpoenaed on the U. S. Jury for July 6th. My wife, Willie + baby Theodor and Papa Ranft sail from Bremen in Steamer Trave today. I cable to wife at Southampton “Pleasant trip and Masseltoff to you, all well here” Gave Willie Steins $10 and Therese May $20 With Ottendorfer Skat party, win 20 Cents, stop City house

June 30th Thursd.

Cabled 30.000 Marks to Herrig yesterday, to Bank at 30 P.M. with steamer “Sylvan Grove” in 35 minutes from foot of E. 23d str. to Grand Pier Bowery Bay, lovely trip

July 1st frid.

Excessively busy. B.B.B. + I.t Co. Meeting at 10 A.M. where we resolve Mtge $250.000. to Chas H. St. & R. Rt jr. as Trustees. Then at 3 P.M. Matthias Gray Comp. At Astoria Ev’g + night

July 2d sat.

Drive with Robert Rasch throughout Dutch Kills to Bowery Bay, meet George Ehret there, in evg play Skat at my house with R. Rt & Henry Cassebeer jr. win $1.80, feel loose bowels