The Diary

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New York + Astoria, Aug. 9th 1887.


L.K. have another nice gathering with M. C. in “Weinstube”  home at midnight        

Aug 10th Wed.

At 10 A.M. to Astoria. Attend Assignees sale of Oakes factory and chattels and buy it all, there being no other bidder. Remain at Mansion working.

Aug 11th Thursd.

At Bk in afternoon, saw shameful proceeding of Cassebeer, who foolishly and without telling me attempted to lay two tracks in Borden Ave. & R.R. was enjoined by injunction from Judge Donohue. Decide to at once restore pavement. Go to Bowery Bay via Harlem with propellor through Little Hell gate, which is very romantic Zollner M. C., Schiller lodge, and a Lutheran Church picnic at Kaesebiers. Work at Mansion. Heavy rain sets in

Aug 12th friday.

Beautiful day. to Astoria at 3 P.M. Have Flushg Ave. Com. Meeting, John Phelan appears & makes a fictitious claim for $781. He insults Williams and if it had not been for me, there would have been a fight. Then we hold Church meeting. Decide to raise church and make a basement room 9 ft high. Work in eve’g

Aug 13th sat.

Lovely day. Very busy. Am called upon by Emma Schneider, who will accompany old Schlemmer to Jefferson City, Mo. To Grand Pier by Sylvan Grove remain at Steinhagens and Dock until 10 PM

Aug. 14th Sunday.

Beautiful weather all day. Biggest day for R.R. and Grand Pier, 30.000. extra boats Emeline & City of Albany assisting

Aug 15th Sunday.

Very busy all day. At Astoria in evg working

Aug 16. Tuesd.

At L.K. evg. With Adams & Hoffmann agree that H. be next President