The Diary

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New York, August 24th 1887.

Aug 24th Wed.

Raining heavily, feel slight Rheum. in large muscle of right leg. Am at Mansion alone ev’g + night George being at Great Neck and Papa Ranft away


Aug 25. Tuesd.

Yesterday, Chas. H. St. Tretbar + I had interview with Abbey + Schoeffel regarding young prodigy Hoffmann and finally declined their proposition of giving them $5.000 and loaning them $15.000 more. I feel touch in heavy muscle of right leg knee more and slightly limp. Via boat to Grand Pier, home at Mansion in evg. Henry W. T. Steinway returned from the West

Aug 26th friday.

Remain at Mansion, paint with Iodine have to walk between two sticks. Maurer ladies visit us, George shows them all over the grounds Last night slept badly, but from Friday night sleep nicely, weather being cool into

Aug 27th sat.

knee still badly strained, take Salicyl powders now. H. W. T. St. wants suddenly to draw $8000. I drive all the way in to my office and at 4 P.M. back again by our wagon. George to Great Neck, Grandpa to Long Branch. Sleep better and til 9 A.M. on


Aug 28th Sunday.

Lovely weather. Work all day. Have young Loeser to dinner with me and I talk to him on his future prospects From 5-6 P.M. driver over Bowery Bay Beach. Large crowds of people there and my cars are thronged

Aug 29th Monday.

Chas. H. St. does not arrive, drive all the way to store and in ev’g back via Hunters Point with Grandpa. Lg Isl. City greatly excited over the raid of P. J. Gleason and the police on the Blissville pool sellers On Sunday Gardner Cramp pestered me and tonight his wife, whom I give a piece of my mind. Retire at 10½ P.M. and sleep splendidly --