The Diary

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New York + Astoria Sept5/87.

Sept. 5th Monday.

Labor holiday, lovely weather. Immense commotion in the City in the forenoon. Blumenberg begs me for money to help them out Work all day + dine at Phil. Mauers. Business has been very good all along especially wholesale but the tightness of the money market still plays sad havoc with all business. At Mansion Evg & night

Sept. 6. Tuesd.

Lovely weather. At L.K. in ev’g, play Skat with Loeser, Heidenfeld and til midnight, lose 86 Cents


Sep. 7th Wed.

lovely day, with wife to Long Branch, Asbury Park Seabright. stay over night at Walters Hotel “Howland” visit also Pleasure Bay and take a sail, being surprised with a rain storm

Sept 8th Thursd.

Almost hounded to death all day. At Mansion Astoria in ev’g, discover that H. A. Cassebeer has set to work constructing a water tower at Ink factory


Sept. 9.

With Cassebeer, George A. St. and Burkard before Tax Commißioners at City Hall Lg. Isl. City adjusting personal taxes +c. Succeed in stopping Cassebeers mistaken Water tower arrangements

Sept. 10. sat.

Discontinue our Saturday half holidays at St. Hall. Have long interview with Fred. A., Schwab, who is no longer with the N.Y. Times, but has the Campanini troupe. Our foundry picnic at Kaesebiers, Silverspring, rather thinly attended. Weather cool

Sept. 11. Sunday.

Weather extremely cold for the season and Bowery Bay thinly attended. Richd Ranft jr. and wife with us, Have long consultation in forenoon with H. A. Cassebeer and Herman Kleber, arranging all R.R. + Bowery Bay matters, closing up Scenes In afternoon with Burkard Taxation matters
