The Diary

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New York + Astoria, Sept 21st 1887.

Sept. 21st Wed.

At 11 a.m. to L. Isl. City, Court House, foreclosure suit, but buy no property, Kittle takes me to Mansion. Show Albert Meyer and Wettstein Ink factory + Wms. factory and our park. Papa Ranft came back to Astoria from Yellowstone Park. In ev’g Alderman Delehanty calls, I give him a good talking to, and appoint him Manager of the R.R. except the finances

Sept 22d Thursday.

Gloomy day, but business and finances begin to look brighter. Am at Bank at 3 P.M. Pass Kroeger in the street, who looks old and decrepid. At Astoria Mansion, Burden calls, and also Chas. Smith about repairs of Hose Comp

Sept. 23d friday.

It is quite cool & dark weather. Blasius in town. Learn that Kröger has met with severe loss at N. A. Cross + Co. Chicago, also Clemmer, Phila. The help of the Treasury seems to raise up the money stringency. Remain at store and work til late on European letters. I remain at Gram. Park house over night. My kitchen is being excavated and fixed under the extension.

Sept 24th sat.

Am very busy, Alexander Strakosch calls, having arrived yesterday by Steamer Saale. Arrive late at Mansion. H. A.Cassebeer jr. has the good sense to offer me to wholly retire from the management of my R.R. Lili Toussaint with us on a visit

Sept 25th Sunday.

Fine, but cool day. In forenoon with Ankner, Williamson at Williams factory, Jacob Ottmann + Schwarz on a visit to us, we play Skat, also H. A. Cassebeer. I win $ 1.60. In forenoon also had long talk with Cassebeer + Delehanty
