The Diary

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New York + Astoria, Octbr. 4th 1887.

Oct. 4th Tuesd.

Lovely weather. Pay H. W. T. St. the bal. of his account to date. Business continues very good, and money eases up somewhat. Stand more and more aghast at the way in which H. A. Cassebeer, jr. has mismanaged my R.R. and run it most fearfully into debt. Helene Cassebeer is married to Ernst Bilhuber this eve’g. I take supper at L.K. and after a short session of the departing Board of Trustees, the Generalversamlung commences. I am unanimously elected (by acclamation) President of the Society, also Poggenburg Treas, Schmitz and Plock as Secr. by acclamation. Paul Goepel as 1st and Henry Clausen, jr. as 2d Vice Pres. Dr. Jos. H. Senner is elected into the Board of Trustees, while Edw. Uhl by some misunderstanding is defeated. Remain til 2 A.M. Adams greatly dissatisfied that many voted against him.


Octbr 5th Wed.

Feel quite well. Most papers, Tribune, Staatszeitung +c. have fine notices of the Meeting last night. Our business is quite good & money comes in well. Compel H. W. T. Steinway to take his entire deposit with Interest. My wife has been suffering some with Neuralgia for the past few days. Cellar under my kitchen makes good progress. In ev’g with wife, Papa Ranft, Dick Ranft + wife at Chas. W. Held at 226 E. 15th str. very nice supper. We leave at 20 M. of 10 P.M via Hunters Point and reach home just in one hour

Oct. 6. Thursd.

Beautiful day. Receive letters and telegrams of congratulationon my election as Pres. of L.K. Am at L.K. in ev’g, find great difficulty in selecting Committies and satisfying every body.


Oct 7th friday,

lovely day, at Astoria Mansion. E’g working

" 8 Sat.

With Chas. Hauselt and Wittmack drive in our Carriage via Dutch Kills viewing our lots, then to B. B. Beach, then through our Park then to Udes. Home in evg at Mansion