The Diary

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New York, October 9th 1887, Astoria

Sunday, Oct. 9th

All day at Mansion, in afternoon at Bowery Bay Beach, Dick Ranft and wife there, play Skat with Ranft sen. + jr. win 40 Cents, work in ev’g

Monday Oct. 10th

Very busy, Larssen case commences in Queens County Court house, Wingate & Covert our lawyers for R.R. It is close and rains


Oct 11th Tuesd.

Larssen obtains a verdict agt St + H. Py. R.R. Comp. of $1500. We have under consideration whether or not to appeal. We sold 11 Pianos at Retail today, business being splendid. At L.K. in ev’g preside, have a little jubilee

Octbr 12th Wed.

Very busy, at Astoria Mansion in evg

" 13. Thursday.

At L.K. in ev’g. Had great difficulty in appointing the Committees in Board of Trustees last Thursday, but we get along smoothly in the Vorstands session

Oct 14th friday.

Very busy, At Astoria Mansion in evg got my hair cut by Ude

Oct 15th sat.

At 5 P.M. at my house, with Mr. Loeser to Carl Schurz to offer him Comptrollership, but he declines then to Albemarle Hotel where the three Ottmanns, Mr. Walter Dick Ranft, Mr. Roesler + I give Papa Ranft a dinner for his departure next Wednesday, home at 1 A.M. City house

Oct 16th sund.

Work in forenoon, Fritz calls, at 12 o’clock Capt. Willigerod calls, who was also at party last night. We go to Astoria, have dinner, inspect Bowery Bay Beach, in evg Ranft sen + jr. win 35 Cents

Oct 17th Monday.

Busy all day. In evg Citizens Meeting at our small St. Hall, am elected Chairman. Also large socialistic Meeting on Union Square against the police. Afterwards we are at Mauers drinking wine + Selters. Was at my house 6-7 PM.