The Diary

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New York + Astoria, Oct. 18/87

Oct 18th Tuesd.

Jacob Ziegler resigns from the L.K. Take supper at L.K. then to Arion, Hospital Meeting, then to L.K. again, preside, afterwards Paul Goepel gives a little festival at which I speak, and he responds, very merry. Take leave of Papa Ranft


Oct 19. Wed.

Papa Ranft sailed early this morning, and George A. St. to Phila. for R.R. Electric Motor Convention The past three days Judge Powers, Cooper, Croker, Loew Loeser + Uhl have been all day at my office trying to harmonize the democratic party. At 5½ P.M. Cooper and I to Carl Schurz, but the latter remains firm in his refusal. Reach Astoria Mansion at 8 P.M. Have a talk with Delehanty at my mansion

Oct 20th Thursday,

Stop at Fin Com. Office 67th str. thence at Metrop. Opera house, see Stanton, Kaemmerer & C. M. Von Baur in relation to Performance for German Hospital. At 7 P.M. with wife, Paula, also George and his betrothed Mathilde Roesler, to Chas. H. St. beautiful residence 51 Park Avenue, where the anniversary of his little one year old son, Arthur. A Herald reporter follows me there + interviews me, at 9 P.M. I appear before the Conference Com. of Tammany and the County Democracy in which I make a speech, not insisting upon Loews nomination and suggesting that Pitschke be nominated for City Judge. I then return to 51 Park Ave. and we amuse ourselves splendidly til past 1 AM

Oct 21st Thurs fricday

It rains more or less all day. Attend to last auction at Oakes store and buy nearly all the stuff there. Meet Sheriff at my office and afterwards see Com. Croker, then walk home after taking supper at U. Sq. Cafè, work til late at store.

Oct 22d sat.

Quite cold. Niemann arrives, Paul Schöpps calls under the name of J. P. Smith, Editor of the “Union, labor party organ