The Diary

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New York, Novbr. 7th 1887.

Novbr 7th Monday.

De Lancey Nicoll calls on account of a scurrilous article in the Star as to L.K. Ball of 1886 Both Chas + I give him letters to be published. I am a little lame in my right foot. Home in ev’g working.

Novbr. 8th Tuesd.

Election day at last, With George vote the whole democratic ticket except Ernest Hall, + Danl G. Rollins Have trouble with Dora Peterson & Morris Steinert In ev’g a splendid Thomas Concert at S. Hall Joseffy plays devinely. Am still lame in right foot Home at 10.30. PM.

Nobr 9th Wed.

The entire Democratic State & County ticket elected, even Fellows has 24000 majority over Nicol. Great rejoicing among the democrats. In ev’g at Opera with wife Paula & Fritz, Siegfried given quite well Home at 12.30 A.M. At Astoria with Albert Meyer who selects location for his silk factory and rents Ink factory


Nov. 10. Thursd.

N. E. Rain storm all day. In the forenoon Lingg the Anarchist blows his head to pieces with a dynamite cap at the Jail in Chicago, and dies at 2 P.M. I am at Store in Evg, working. My feet are now quite well again Chickerings and Webers are said to be in great financial distress. Sign Contract for sale of 9 lots for silk factory at Astoria, with Albert Meyer. Gov. Oglesby of Ills refuses to interfere so four of the Anarchists must hang tomorrow and two are pardoned to prison for life

Novbr 11th friday.

Brief Snowstorm at noon. Am working with Kleber on Quarterly report of R.R. Cassebeers Mal-Administration has had fearful effect. Am at store in ev’g, wife + Paula are at Union Square Theatre. The four Anarchists are hanged at 11 AM at Chicago.
