The Diary

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New York, July 28th 1878.

July 28th sunday.

Beautiful day, though hot, work all the forenoon, alternating with a fine swimbath; in afternoon Tretbar, Chas. Held, and Eddy Kreischer & wife pay us a visit, they leave at 8½ P.M. with young Evers, who was with us since yesterday

July 29th Monday.

to City via 11th str. Letter from Maxwell with May + June statements & good news as to sales To factory at 4 P.M. with Henry to Astoria in Buggy, correct proofs of Illustrated Catalogue.

July 30th Tuesday.

Raining, stop at Organ factory look at a new style of case, drive with H St. in buggy to N.Y. to 3d Ave & 56th str. by 3d Ave. Car to Store. I am greatly pestered by Dun Barlow & Co's man, Hale and Weber are evidently to work trying to malign us, at 5 P.M. to Sommers house, meet Kroeger and Joseph Kene there, and have a lengthy conversation on the subject of varnishing. At L.K. by 7 P.M. take supper, play Skat with Wagner, Kramer & Bannegarten, lose 57 Cents, home at 11 PM.

July 31st Wed.

Give Klebs some shoes at my house, Van Dyke calls, says he has not been paid for his services I tell him to make up statement, receive long letter from Theo. saying that we better make plain pianos, 7 Oct. Sq. with former plate, take lunch with H. St. at the U. Sq. Hotel & in ev'g to Astoria work in eve'g at our illustrated Catalogue' +c +c. With Wardwell & H. St. at Horace Waters see infringements of Hale and Fischer