The Diary

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New York, Septbr 17th 1878.

Sept 17th Tuesday.

Beautiful bright day, to store early Ernest Hall calls goes over Vandyke matter with me, to my great gratification Mr. Cotterill also comes in, we talk about the Vandyke, Meiners & Emma Nichols case. Bradstreets man, Mr. Moulton comes in, I show him satisfaction piece of the Luyster Mortgages, and at his request hand him search for Weber Mortgages lunch with Stetson, Sanford & Dulcken at U. Sq. Hotel After a careful search to my great joy, Koven finds the three demand notes or rather due bills of Vandyke viz. Decbr 1st 1876. for $350. of Decbr 1876. for $200. and of Oct 12th 1877 for $325. Home at 5½ P.M. Mrs. Henry Schadee with her little son -- from Florence, Mass. calls at my house. At L.K. in eve'g, march with all the members to the Fair of Koltes. Post, at Germania Hall, sing three songs finely, return to L.K. Hall at 10 P.M. resolve about yellow fever Concert at L.K. Hall. Home at 11½ P.M. Give Klebs $2.100/00

Septbr 18th Wed.

Beautiful day, to store early, very busy. Uptown at 12½ P.M. with H. St. to Astoria, it is very warm, Return by 5 P.M. with elevated Road from 59th str. to 23d str. Mrs. Schadee and her little son, Mrs. Krüsi & Mrs. Roesen and the three Krüsi children at my house. At 8 P.M. with Paula fetch Mrs. Schadee to cor. 23d street & 2d Ave. on walking home with Paula she asks me when her "Mamma" is coming back, I tell her "Never & give her sufficient & reasonable explanation. Retire at 10 PM