The Diary

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New York, Septbr 19th 1878

Sept 19th Thursday.

Very warm, 80 degrees at 2 P.M. Am greatly pestered by the different Impressarios and King +c +c. every day. Lunch at Gerth's. At 4.15 P.M. after having my hair cut proceed by H.R.R.R. to Dobbs Ferry, Genl Schwarzwaelder's party, all Bank Presidents, Mr. Comstock of the Citizens Berry of the Tradesmens and Hall of the Oriental Bank Marc Eidlitz there, we have a pleasant time sing, am in fair voice, stay til 11 P.M. have a wait for the milk train, arrive hom shortly after 1 AM


Septbr 20th friday.

At store early, Money still very hard to collect, both Morris & Benjamin of Danbury & Winsted unable to meet their paper. My throat appears to be slightly affected. At 12 o'clock by 6 Ave RR., Elevated to Knauth Nachod & Kühne, then to Surrogates Court on account of signing bond for Mathias Gray, the Clerk not being there I withhold signature, lunch at Rathskeller with Ottendorfer, at home 6 P.M. at 7½ P.M. having a headache I ride up to 34th str & back. Retire towards 10 P.M. Sleep very uneasily it being an excessively close night

Sept 21st sat.

Have a bad cold and headache, to store early money and orders coming in nicely, letter from Oliver Ditson mentioning rumor of financial troubles of St. + S. telegraph him that they are preposterous. I sneeze and cough fearfully, at home in eveg, bad headache retire at 9 P.M. sleep pretty well