The Diary

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New York, Septbr 22d

Septbr 22d Sunday.

Beautiful day, to store at 9 AM, write letter to Oliver Ditson. Miss Kessler plays in the Ware My cold still fearful, give Klebs at my house $2. and my yachting suit. At 1 P.M. take lunch, H. St. with us, drive with him to N. W. cor. 22d street & 9th Ave. look at flats there, then drive to factory look at boiler being hoisted into position, then to Zieglers, where my children are after coming from Dr. Taylors Sunday school join me. I play Skat with Ziegler & H. Cassebeer, lose 72 Cents. home with children in Carriage by 10 PM Drink Anis tea

Septbr 23d Monday.

Cold somewhat better, & headache nearly gone. At store at 8 A.M. Receive quite a number of orders & business looks up quite well Lunch with C. F. W. Müller of Yonkers at Gerths, at 2.10 P.M. leave St. Hall, pr. 6th Ave. El. R.R. to Rector street station, stop at K. N. & K. office and Ed. R. Robinson to whom I pay St. Hall license, back same way, and on arriving back at St. Hall find that the whole trip has occupied but 50 Minutes. After that Mr. Moulton of Bradstreet, having a search against us in New York. At 8 P.M. take a walk through 18th str. U. Sq. 13th str. to Steinway Hall work til after 10 P.M. drawing up search against St. + S. Queens Co.

Sept 24th Tuesday.

Awake with a bad headache and feel quite sick, lunch at Gerths, Fr. Steins at L.K. with me, after fixing saturdays programme, drive home