The Diary

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New York, Septbr 25th 1878

Sept 25th Wed.

Fine day. Headache gone, but cold still very heavy, business brightening up very much, lunch lightly at Gerth's, spend eveg home with my children

Septbr 26th Thursday.

A perfect "Jahrmarkt' of people all day, settle with Isaac Lewis & pay off Mortgage of $45.000. on St. Hall. Am down town at Registers Office then lunch at Rathskeller. Franz Rummel plays splendidly at our Warerooms. Fr. Steins & his Gustav & H. Ziegler take supper with us, then we go to Steinway Hall Wilhelmjs first appearance at Steinway Hall, which turns into a perfect ovation, Madame Rivé King also plays well. Stetson introduces me to his intended who seems to be a lovely young lady. Amuse myself well, only being marred by the sight of Judas and Albert Weber


Septbr 27th friday.

Cool beautiful day, get search from N. Y. Registers Office showing that St. Hall is mtged only $75 M. & N. Y. factory only $100 M. & search from Queens County Clerk that Corporation property there has no St. Mortgage upon it At Rathskeller, then at 3½ P.M. pr. elevated RR. to American Institute fair at 63d str. which is a miserable affair only a Bradbury Smith Upright & Square The Upright has infringement of Action like the Weber. Home at 6 P.M. with my children, write to Theo. in the evening

Weight at Am. Inst. Fair my self 205 lbs George 80 " Paula 79 "

Septbr 28th sat.

Beautiful mild day. Kraemer back, in great trouble about the Geo. Smith of Rochester, matter. Home at 6 P.M. then to L.K.Concert for yellow fever sufferers, help singing down stairs with Thallon & Steins, home at 1 AM