The Diary

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New York, Septbr 29th 1878.

Septbr 29th Sunday.

To Store at 9 A.M. Go with Kraemer through the Smith-Rochester matter, then have a long talk with George Lyon of Chicago, relative to business and ebonized Case matters, after dinner with H. St. to the factory meet Kroeger, Sommer & Friedrichs, investigate the latters inexplicable muddle & give him two more weeks time. Then go through the factory, order 30 ebonized style 1 Upright pianos, spend eve'g at Zieglers, play 66 with him lose 50 Cents My children at Zieglers, home with them at 10 PM

W. G. Metzerott calls on me arrived with Mosel

Sept 30th Monday.

To store early, down town via 4th str, give Bond for $3000 for John P. McKewen as Attorney under & for Matthias Gray. Lunch at Tafelrunde With Wm. Mason to my house at 6 P.M. where we dress & at 7½ P.M. to Delmonico, Abschieds dinner for Thomas, 24 persons present, nice affair, home at 12 o'clock, Wm. Mason stops over night at my house.

Octbr 1st Tuesday.

Beautiful day. To store early, lunch at Gerths, at 2 P.M. with 6th Ave. Elevated road to Cotterills Office, meet Ernest Hall, we consider the suit brought by Herbert Vandyke, what answer to make, get additional searches against ourselves from Jamaica. Take supper with my children at Steinway Hall, Alhaize Reception Concert in eve'g, am afterwards at L.K. having walked all the distance from my house play Skat with Kraemer & Biedermann lose 19 Cents, Give Klebs $5. & let him index Music books