The Diary

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N.Y. Oct 18th 1878.

Oct 18th friday.

It rains all day. Trouble with the Mapleson troupe at Boston last night, they being compelled to use the Miller grand at Music Hall Lunch with Chs St at 105 E. 14th str. Write letters in evening til 11 P.M. to Theodore, RR. & Andrè

Oct 19th sat.

At store early. Wholesale business has been rather slow this week, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with Thallon, Chas. & Frederick St. & Dulcken. At 1 PM with George + Paula by Elevated R.R. to 52d street. see Julie Schmidts youngest baby, then with my children and Henry Ziegler in Carriage to Astoria, attend to various matters there, take a cup of Coffee, for a moment see the servant Annie Wills, home by 67th street, retire at 10 PM.

Candidus first appearance in London as Florestan

Oct 20th Sunday.

Beautiful day, to store at 9 A.M. Nothing in the mail, work til 1 P.M. after lunch with H. St by Elevated RR to 67th str. to Zieglers, play Skat all day & eveg with H. Cassebeer, H. & C. St. lose $1.25. home by 4th Ave. Car at 11 P.M. my children having gone at 8½ PM

Oct 21st Monday.

Lovely day, to Store early. Ellen Walsh leaves for Santa Fe New Mexico today. Home in eve'g, write long letter to Maxwell

Oct 22d Tuesday.

Very busy all day, in eveg at L.K. Fr. Steins & Constantin Schmidt at Supper with me, in afternoon view the house no. 79 Ridge street. In eveg make programme for Winter season at L.K. and preside at the meeting

Ellen Walsh only stops at Brooklyn
Vandyke examined at Superior Court