The Diary

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New York, Jan'ry 1st 1879.

Jan 1st Wed.

Have not slept very well, but feel quite good & light on rising, towards 9 AM. Both children still asleep when near 10 A.M. I walk to the Store. We yesterday enclosed in all tuning bills sent, our Opera Co. Certificate to be distributed today. Send for the mail and receive a number of Bills Receivable. The day is unfavorable, it snowing, though not heavily. Measure children and find George 4 feet 11" and Paula 5 feet ¾" Remain home all afternoon, and at 8 P.M. with Thallon Bros. & Fred. Steins who took supper with us to Ottendorfers, where we sing and amuse ourselves Home at 10 P.M. Sleep quite well

Georgie weight in full Winter cloth           91 lbs
Paula " 89 lbs

Jan 2d Thursday.

Heavy Snowstorm all day to 2 P.M. Lunch at Rathskeller, & afterwards at Registers Office, discover that Buddensiecks lease is really on record before the cancellation by George Douglas Stop at 3d street for a Moment, on reaching Store find Cable dispatch from Maxwell "2000 Pounds deed mailed, B B C C D D. In eve'g at L.K. Board of Trustee and Vorstandssitzung at which preside. Also succeed in pacifying Jost & Kohn also Jesselsen & Walter after a protracted effort. It is intensely cold. Home at 11½ PM

Jan 3d friday.

Telegram from Theo. "Maxwell zufriedengestellt, Dachauer unsere Partie, correspond ueber hier" Lunch with Chas St. at Gerths In eveg write letter to Theodor, retire at 10½ PM