The Diary

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New York, Febr 2d 1879.

Febr 2d Sunday.

Cold clear day. Feel quite well. With George & Paula to Store. Lecture Behr & Robert Stephens Kroeger & Stegemann also there, look at crude invention of short double string for bass part After dinner return to Store and work all the afternoon. At 6 P.M. to Zieglers, find Bam & Baby there, stay for supper, play 66 with Chas. Steinway win $1. Home with Children at 10 PM

Febr 3d Monday.

To Store early. Constantin Schmidt comes, is almost beside himself, at 11½ down to Bureau of Assessments via Bleecker street, get correct bills for paving 4th Ave. Lunch at Rathskeller with Mr. Ottendorfer At 8 PM to German Savings Bank, hand Otto Ernst check for notes discounted by him, attend Meeting with Otto Ernst at Runkels, home before 10 PM.

Febr 4th Tuesday.

Cold bright day. At Store early, am quite well busy all day, writing to Louisa A. Steinway & R.R. +c.+c. letter from Mrs. Zielfelder brought by her little boy that she is very sick. At L.K. in eve'g preside at Mask Session & Society Meeting Home at 11 PM

Febr 5th Wed.

To store early, telegram from Maxwell £1000. Take lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. In afternoon at our Pattern Room, receive delegation of our casemakes, explain to them the necessity of a slight reduction in their department not to exceed 10 pr. Ct. order 50 Cts. addition to each little Grand in Regulators department, order that

Weber said to have returned from Florida