The Diary

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New York, June 29th 1879.

June 29th 1879. Sunday.

At 9 A.M. to my house, then to store, work there until 2½ P.M. take a Lobstersalad at U. Sq. to Louis Grass christening of all his children, Klamroth there. Stay til 10 P.M. sing many Quartetts with Fr. Steins, Wilhelms & Rittershaus, am in splendid voice

June 30th Monday.

Having been locked out of my house last night, I slept at 107 E. 14th in the bed of H. St. Have loose bowels, take Blackberry brandy & cup of coffee. Andrew J. Garvey calls about property on 77th street. At 4.30. via 23d str. boat to Astoria. At Meeting of Steinway Ave. Commißioners, they resolve after a long consultation to instruct their Counsel, Judge Pierce to ask the Court to postpone all further action until the first monday in March next.

July 1st Tuesday.

Fine day. My loose bowels continue by 4th Ave. Car & L road from Houston str. to C. Schmidt, then to Grahams Office, Bridge election, then to Rathskeller, Judge Otterbourg attempting to borrow $1500 of me. Sign bond for Ida Lohmann as Guardian of her children for $300. At 5 P.M. with Theodor to factory, view Model for new Upright frame, make order for casemakers & Plates for July. Fr. Steins calls, we eat at Julia Schmidt, then with Fr. Steins to L.K. sing, preside at Bd. of Trustee meeting (where they authorize Theo. to treat with Kremser) also at Society meeting and Vorstand. Home at 11½ PM.