The Diary

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New York, July 2d 1879.

July 2d Wed.

My loose bowels continue loose and I have Rheumatism in my right Collarbone, though slightly only. Via 23d str. by boat & car to Astoria Very hot in the City, delightfully cool in eve'g take Hamayados in eve'g, am quite stiff in my body, sleep pretty well. Lunched at U. Sq. Hotel

July 3d Thursday.

To town via L. Road. Feel still stiff in my limbs. Business continues pretty fair and numbers of wholesale orders come in. to Astoria via 23d str. & car. Take Hunyodos water, sleep pretty well

July 4th friday.

Intensely hot all day, relieved by a terrible thundershower in eveg. During the forenoon, look over and make specification and claim of Theo. new Action guide sit in front of the house in the shade all day In eve'g play a nice "Napple" come out even

July 5th sat.

Coachmans Stein's little boy died, to Ferry by car to my house, slight loose bowels, M. Nicholson calls. Our store closed but I have a great deal of trouble with Gray, Steinert & Sutro financial delinquencies lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. Young Klauser from Milwaukee in town. By boat via 23d str. to Astoria

C. Meiners calls Tretbar present, offers to take mill away if I pay him $500. will call again Monday

July 6th Sunday.

Splendid cool weather. Stomach in good order, but feel stiff in feet & back. Play Skat with Henry Cassebeer & Fritz, win 21 Cents last eveg, whist with H. Cassebeer, Mrs. Luther & Theo. tonight win 11 Cents