The Diary

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New York, July 7th 1879.

July 7th Monday.

Cool beautiful day. Joseph P. Hale calls at 10 A.M. stating that he had been to my house saturday & found it closed, that his only brother had suddenly died & also his wifes sister we arrange to postpone matters until next week, as Mr. Hale would have to leave today by the 3. P.M. train. Down town at 12 o'clock to Rathskeller, where I meet Theodor and Georgie, then to Fuller who is in Boston, Schmidt tells me that Hale has defaulted anyway and that we can take Judgement at any time. At German Savings Bank in eveg, at Runkles with Willy Wallach and Otto Ernst afterwards, drinking Claret & Seltzer.
Gave Regina Martin $10.

July 8th Tuesday.

Take a shower bath & rub well, very busy in the forenoon, at 12 o'clock to Theodors house, eat dinner go through his article on "scales" for encyclopedia with him. Blasius calls, pays up balance in full. Mrs. Lang & Wilhelms call at Mr. Tretbars, we eat Ice cream I eat supper at L.K. preside at meeting, afterwards with Theo. & Blasius at Tyroler Hall, Blasius stops over night at my house

July 9th Wed.

Slight touch on right instep, have also loose bowels, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel, with Tretbar at 2 P.M. to Bridge Meeting elect Rainey Pres. Graham Secr. & Schmidt Treas. again With boat from Peck slip to Astoria, meet Fritz & Theodore in Carriage. Stonework of factory in rapid progress. Spend eveg discussing with McBride & Luther