The Diary

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New York, July 24th Thursday,

July 24th Thursday,

with H. St. to factory & settle various matters, with Luther & McBride, pr. L. Road to store, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel; with Rühl, to Astoria via 23d str. boat, take splendid swimbath settle Ash sawing; order with Luther & Hy Steinway

July 25th friday.

Excessively busy with various important matters, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with Fr. St. Send Kraemer to J. P. Hale, who desires time til next week, & cannot call tonight at my house. Rassiga comes in with his children, having succeeded in having Mrs. Rassiga and her paramour Krauth arrested; at New Haven. Lunch at Kladifko's with Rummel Work balance of evening at Store, during a drenching rain, writing letters to Theo. & Louise

July 26th sat.

Dark, wet, but cool day. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel; The Jew excitement continues, at 3 P.M. to Mrs. Warner, examine her piano, find it bogus Name St + S. pasted on Iron frame, with second Ave. horse to Peck slip, by boat to Astoria, interview with Luther, sign Ash sawing; order. ...

July 27th Sunday.

At 8 A.M. with George & Eddy Egge by buggy; through L. Isl. City to 33d str. L.K. Excursions to Cold Spring harbor on the sound. All passes of pleasantly, I am in splendid voice, sing Quartetts with Fr. Steins, Keller Carl Amann. Home at 8 ¾ P.M. It is close & hot

July 28th Monday

to Town with L. Road. to Tafelrunde via Bleecker str. Take Emmy Steins from Peck Slip to our place. Fine Swim bath Play Kreuz Marriage with H. A. Cassebeer, Fritz + Schmidt.