The Diary

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New York, Aug 18th 1879.

Aug 18th Monday.

To town via L. Road. At 10 AM Jos. P. Hale calls, pays the $5000, I give him a receipt, show him all over the warerooms. Down to Rathskeller & lunch with Ottendorfer The Phonographer Robt Sigel commences to work and does quite well. Letters from Maxwell, showing considerable improvement in business there, take supper at U. Sq. Hotel back to store til nearly 10 P.M. Have much trouble with the Wilhelmj matter. Storm continues.

Aug 19th Tuesday.

Beautiful clear day and N. W. Wind. At 5 P.M. to Steamer Westphalia, fine dinner of Capt. Schwensen, to about 30 persons, to L.K. by 10 P.M. sing & preside home after 12.

Aug 20th Wed.

Eddy Kreischer comes in & says that his wife presented him with a splendid boy. Harrison borrows $30. looking dreadfully shabby Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel; with Burt, Cotterills Clerk Have a little headache. Nordheimer in town. Weather delicious and cool, down town in after noon & by L. Road from Chatham Sq. to 53d str look at various things in the factory, with H. St. in buggy to Astoria, spend eve'g with Luther, inviting him for tomorrow.

Aug 21st Thursday.

fog in the morning, to Store by L. Road, arrive at 8.20 A.M. Settle with C. Meiners, Col. Ward Nichols in town the Barnum Giants at our Warerooms, buying a s.h. piano lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. At 3 P.M. with Luther to