The Diary

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New York, Aug 21st 1879.


Steamer Sylvester, directly to Iron Pier, Coney Island, after which we go to Sea Beach Palace Liederkranz Summernights festival, Concert from 8-9 P.M. fireworks from 9-10 P.M. Luther Nembach & I go home by 1145 P.M. Seach Beach line, land at Whitehall str. by L. Road home at 1 A.M. Luther sleeps at my house

Aug 22d friday.

Papers nearly all have favorable reports of the L.K. festival, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel I feel pretty well. Lunch at Union Square Hotel, To my house at 3 P.M., A. Nicholson calls. At 4 P.M. to Astoria via 23d str. boat. Take a fine swimbath. To bed at 10 P.M. Sleep splendidly.

Aug 23d sat.

Fine moderate day. To town by L. Road. letter from Theo. Steinert in town, also Col. Ward Nichols lunch at U. Sq. Hotel; with Chas. Wilhelms, to Astoria via 23d str. take splendid swimbath Mr. Luther spends evening with us.

Aug 24th sunday.

Lovely day, look at new factory, shoot at target in factory yard, again prove to be the best shot of the crowd. At 12½ P.M. Meyenberg, Carl Wolfsohn & Mr. Fels arrive, also Eddy Egge, who with Helene Cassebeer & Chas. Held & wife & us make 20 persons for dinner. Take swimbath, swim with George to Rikers fence & back. In eve'g at 7 P.M. the Jews drive to the Ferry, also Eddy Egge, I play Skat with Henry A. Cassebeer & Held win 11 Cents, Cassebeer loses