The Diary

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New York, Novbr 1st 1879.

Novbr 1st sat.

Lovely day. Have a somewhat thick head are very busy. Business splendid 66 pianos shipped, being the largest week this year. Home in eveg retiring early & sleeping splendidly

Novbr 2d sunday.

Beautiful day. To Store in the forenoon. Theodore sick since friday, but better. Place many documents into new safe under the stoop of No 107 E. 14th str. H. C. & Fr. St. lunch with me. In afternoon uptown. Theodore is much better Have a talk with Louisa relative to the brutality of Adam Weber towards his wife and children Play Skat with H. A. Casseb. & Ch. St. lose $1.03. Home at 11 PM
Commence Celery cure

Novbr 3d Monday.

Fine cool day. Very busy. Conrad Behrens comes in, the Basso. Lunch at U. Sq. with H. St. & Ch. St. After supper at German Savings Bk. then with Wiebusch to Grace Church to Oratorio Society, listen to their Rehearsal, have to make a speech. Home at 10 P.M. tear up useless papers. Celery cure causes loose bowels

Novbr 4th Tuesday.

Beautiful day. With Ch. St. to poll & we vote the AntiTammany Ticket, only substituting Elihu Root for Judge of Common Pleas Take lunch at Theodore, with Louisa, Ella & H. St. to Astoria, Piling for new drying Room commenced At L.K. in eve'g. Learn that Kunoth died today


Novbr 5th Wed.

Defeat of Robinson & election of Cornell. Fr. v. Bodenstedt calls, we lunch together, also Moritz & Theodore. After supper at Renos house, Damrosch & family there, splendid eveg, speech, home after 1 AM. Heavy Snowstorm