The Diary

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New York, March 6th 1880.

March 6th sat.

fine day. At noon to Theo. with Quimby, meet delegation all our branches there, pending negotiations of resumption of work, then with Quimby to Astoria meet Lane (of Leominster on board) return home at 6½ P.M. Dolge calls with Bartholmes, have a talk with him At L.K. in eve'g, Maskenkränzchen. It is very nice there. H. St. has taken Miß Kleber there. Home at 1 AM. feel Rheumatism right collarbone & bet. Shoulders

March 7th sunday.

Robert Stephens calls + gets suit of clothing, Klebs girl, pair old shoes & $5.25. Hogan calls reports about resultless meeting last night. Rheumatism slightly better To store at 9 A.M. meet Lane there, Rainstorm all day, after lunch with Paula in Carriage uptown, meet Lane & draw up agreement with him, preliminarily, take supper with L. A. St. play cards with Theo, his wife, + Schmidt home at 10 PM.

March 8th Monday.

Rheumatism in right collarbone worse, put on Flannel & lotion. Papers teem with accounts of the bosh said in the workingmens meeting at Astoria yesterday. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel, with Theo. to E. E. Quimby fixing the claims & specifications of Upright press, hammer serving, and new Upright bent rim press patents. To my regret, Decker Bros. refuse to sign lockout agreement Home in eve'g, retire early & sleep splendidly

March 9th Tuesday.

Snowstorm. Rheumatism slightly better, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel, at Vandyke reference in afternoon, L. W. Porter in town, agreement signed, H. St. to Boston. In ev'g at L.K. Gesellige Abend, Arbuckle, Pattison, Lehodney, Dulcken, Senger, home at 12 oclock
