The Diary

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New York, March 14th 1880.

March 14 Sunday.

Wet, gloomy day, at store in forenoon, at Theo, in afternoon & eve'g with Paula, home at 10 PM


March 15th Monday.

Lockout takes place in nearly all piano factories. Great excitement, meeting of manufacturers takes place at U. Sq. Hotel at 3 P.M. Theo. spends eveg. with me.


March 16th Tuesday.

Spend nearly all day at Haines with Weber, Steck & Bacon, getting up manifest of the Manuf. With Fr. Steins at L.K. in eve'g, lose 58 Cts in Skat.

March 17th Wed.

Lunch with Theo. with him to Astoria. Henry St. & Ernest Hall to Leominster, Mass to consumate purchase of factory & business of L. W. Porter Carload of stuff goes there. In eve'g, family, except Kreischers, at my house, play Skat win 4 Cts


March 18th Thursday.

Manifesto of the Trade Union, pretty lame, in Sun, lunch at Theo. afterwards speak to foremen Winterfeldt, Bader & Günther, who have been subpoened by the Union to Teutonia Hall. At 3-5 PM. at piano Manufacturers meeting. Resolve to adjourn til April 2d, we can only employ Non Union men. At Dr. Tyngs Church, Bachs Passion Music performed by Dr. Damroschs Oratorio Society. Take Miß Morse home, Tretbar there, we remain til 12 o'clock & have some beer and a pleasant chat

March 19th friday.

Rain + Snow storm. Youngs & Dr. Rainy call. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel, call on Rummel. In eve'g at Louisa A. St.s house, talk over matters with Theo & rest of family