The Diary

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New York, March 24th 1880.


there, all orderly. Henry St. leaves in eve'g train for Leominster to close up Real Estate transaction. Play Skat at my house, lose 44 Cts


March 25th Thursday.

At 10 P.M. to Theo. lunch with him, write letter to Executive Com. of our men, which is delivered to them by Brand, Mahon comes in and bothers me__the Executive Com. return answer that Varnishers demand each Dollar made full & one Dollar added & the rest $2.00/00 each, which Theo. grants. Home in ev'g, set up new pricelist & circulars to our Agents, retire & sleep well

March 26th friday.

Meeting of all our men at 9 AM at Turtle Bay Brewery. At 11 A.M. proceed to factory, meet our Com. with Bartholme & have long talk with them, they demanding the discharge of Stier, Spahr, Finger, Kayser, at Steinway Hall, and White & Flesse at N.Y. factory, & Steinhöfer at Astoria. I refuse in the case of the first four, & consent if charges proven to discharge the two last. Com. returns at 1½ P.M. brings 4 witnesses, Flesse convicted of inciting the strike & intriguing against Hobein + Sommer +c. when Com. forgives him on account of his family and 6 children, very touching scene. At L. A. St in eve'g play Skat lose 26 Cents

March 27th sat.

Send circulars & raised wholesale prices to the dealers. Heavy rain all day, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel touch of Rheumatism in right shoulder, the pressmen all take leave of me. Home in ev'g, Theo. and Mr. Behr from Boston spend evening with me. Rainstorm all day