The Diary

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New York, Novbr 30th 1880.

Novbr 30th Tuesd.

Steadily improving. Am greatly pestered by Advertising: Agents, work in eveg, Wife, Mrs. Evers Bam + baby to Hospital performance "Heydeman arrange for Advertising tomorrow


Decbr 1st Wed.

Grunow said to improve. With Tretbar to Bridge Meeting, Contract made with Dr. Rainey for building the bridge. I can now walk long steps without a stick, have poor man's plaster on my right knee. All our Advertisements are out in the papers. Home in eve'g, work, letters Theo. & Ziegler

Decbr 2d Thursd.

Busy all day & improving, at 8 P.M. in Carriage to L.K. am received with much Joy preside at Board of Trustee + Vorstandssitzung Cassebeer sen. & Hornbostl spend eveg at my house

Authorized to write Ed. Kremser by Trustees of L.K.

Decbr 3d friday.

fine weather, to store at 9 A.M. Kramer has been on a business trip & returned. Business quite good. Nasty article in Herald communicated about Steinway Hall. ave my nails cut and walk from Dr. Westervelt to U. Sq. Hotel, lunch there In ev'g write Theodor, Harry low takes letter to PO

Henry Ziegler is operated by Dr. Schnetter

Decbr 4th sat.

Lovely day, at 3 P.M. drive to Pastor Krüsi, spend an hour with them. In ev'g at Damnation of Faust at Steinway Hall, walk home

Decbr 5th sund.

Rain, home all day, Kroeger calls, consults me as to giving up his business. Teach my wife how to play 66

Decbr 6th Monday.

Excessively busy, at 3 P.M. drive with wife to Odermanns, Louisa A. St. I also see Henry Ziegler who has suffered, but is better. Kämmerer and Baumgarten call about L.K. Real Estate