The Diary

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New York, Decbr 7th 1880.

Decbr 7th Tuesd.

Like yesterday, walk to 4th Ave & by car to Store. Business again slower, in eve'g drive to L.K. preside at Meeting, am enthusiastically recd, Attend Meeting of Com. to buy property for L.K.

Decbr 8th Wed.

Edmund Cluett in town. Snowing, drive to Store Fred. H. Cluetts failure said to be a very bad one, his liabilities footing up $50.000. At home in eve'g


Decbr 9th Thursday.

Send by Morris Express to Ranfts Dresden our large pictures viz. wife & self. Lovely weather, walk to Store, at 1 P.M. with wife to Astoria in carriage from 89th street, drink coffee at Luthers, home at 6 P.M. Flamant calls & is astonished to learn that Phelps has collected $400 on acc. of advertising of us, pronounces it a fraud, wife tired .. . .. .._ . .. ... . ...

Decbr 10th friday.

wife in bed in forenoon. I drive to factory, order double veneering on our panels again, also working with Scrape varnish again on our Rosewood pianos from Jan 1st In eveg write long letter to Theodor. In forenoon drove to Geo. H. Andrews about Tax Arrears, rub with Opedeldoc which seems to do feet good & also left knee

Decbr 11th sat.

Flamant comes in, saying that they will have Phelps arrested. I tell them to wait a while, at home in eve'g with my family, writing, all others at birthday, (29th) of Louisa A. Cassebeer

Decbr 12th sund.

Home all day, reading & writing down mem. of N.Y. Med. College & Hosp. for Women" for Cotterill in regard to Arrears of Taxes. R. Ranft jr. dines & spends afternoon & eve'g with us, also C. Schmidt & wife. play 66 with R. Ranft lose 80 Cts