The Diary

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New York, April 3d 1881.

April 3d Sunday.

Beautiful day. Henry Ziegler calls in forenoon. At 12.15 P.M. by L Road to St. Isl. to Clifton House, we are 16 Gentlemen, Fr. & Os. Steins, Pagenstecher & I sing Quartettes very nicely, Rummel plays several solos, dine at 4 P.M. I make several witty speeches & toasts, at 7 P.M. take boat home, reach there at 8.15. P.M. after a splendid afternoon, find wife, children, C. Schmidt & wife at my house


April 4th Monday.

Feel quite well Rummel gets married to Miss Cotnels Leila Morse at Poughkeepsie today, I loan him $500. in Cash and letter of Credit on S + S. London for £400. Home in eve'g, play 66 with R. R jr. til 11 P.M. come out even

April 5th Tuesd.

Feel quite well and walk much lighter & faster than ever since my sickness. family at Seminary benefit Academy "Taming of Shrew" Sontag, I am at L.K.preside, afterwards sing two Quartetts with Kapp and Fr. + Os Steins quite well. Home at 11½ PM
At factory in afternoon

Apr. 6th Wed.

Money and orders coming in finely. Lunch with Mr. Rohlfing of Milwaukee who orders heavily, home in eveg, writing to Theodor

April 7th Thursday.

take off heavy shoes & walk in Gaiters much better, take a few Blair pills, to my great joy Chas. St. comes in, looking pretty well. Am at L.K. in eve'g, preside at Bd. of Trustees, talk over contract which Poggenburg & I made at John A. Whitings Office for L.K. of 58th St. Also preside at Vorstandssitzung, have a thorough sifting of the anti-semitic sentiment. Home at 11 ¾ PM. take Dr. Zinssers specific

April 8th friday.

Rummel & Willy Morse come in, am busy all day, am home in eve'g. Cotterill sees me in office & walks up with me. wifes throat affected Talk over confirmation of children
