The Diary

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New York, April 15th 1881.

April 15th friday.

Beautiful day. Cable despatch from Kremser in Vienna "Claviermacher Steinway New York Feier jetzt unmoeglich brief folgt" Home in eve'g write to Theo. Harry Low calls at 10½ P.M. takes it to Post office

April 16th sat.

By L. road at 1 P.M. to 89th str. meet wife & daughter in carriage go Astoria, coffee at Luthers, in eve'g with wife & R.R.jr. to Germania Theatre, "Lorle" given, afterwards at Belvidere House, where Leo. Riess gives Miß Neckar a supper, Carl Sontag also there, home at 2 A.M. Do not sleep very much. George has his front tooth injured and a piece put on, uses laughing gas


April 17th sund.

Beautiful day, at 10 A.M. meet build'g Com. of L.K. at "Harmonie" Club, which we inspect, we then go to Union League Club, cor. 5th Ave. & 39th str. Cotterill takes us around it is gordious building. In afternoon with wife & R.R.jr. to L.K. Kinderfest, home for supper, play Skat with him and Ch. St. lose 1 Cent. George & Paula, Heiliges Abendmahl at Krüsis Church


April 18th Monday.

I am still a little stiff in the arches of both feet, and feel it in the left knee when walking down stairs. business is dull, and has been for some time Strike at Gablers not yet over. Home in eve'g, working at Stock account. Signed St + Sons mtg previous consent for RR. to Jas. M. Freeman

April 19th Tuesday.

Fine clear day, working busily at Stock account, letter from U.S. States Life Ins. Co. that loan on 26 Gr. place will be at 5% from June 1st next. Lord Beaconsfield died yesterday at London. In eve'g take wife and children to Wallacks Theatre "World" given. I then go to L.K. preside building Com. & Soc. Home at 12


April 20th Wed.

At 9½ AM. with Ottendorfer, Kaufmann, Wallach and others, to Park Com. hand them petition to open Museum on Sunday. Receive letter from Theo. very foolish & confused, letter from Maxwell that he is now on the way to N.Y.